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Tyranny of Excuses

Excuses are the sum of all the ‘givable’ reasons you did not achieve your set goals. 

“Oh I wish I was from a rich background, or was born into a richer family; I think things would have been in a better state.

I didn’t go to a good school, I didn’t even graduate on time… things would’ve been different; I wish I studied a different course at school. 

All excuses, an oppressive cycle that keep people stagnated, holding them down without making a head way in life.

And that is why I have called it TYRANNY OF EXCUSES. At face value, it sounds fine, it sounds ok, it sounds valid, but soon it becomes a pattern of non-achievement, stagnation, running in circles and slow progress. 

Come to think of it, have excuses changed anyone’s narrative in a positive sense? It rather compresses a human mind into a cubicle of frustration and motionlessness; but I submit to you friends, the right outcomes are the results of the right thoughts, choices decisions, positive resolutions, steps and investments.

As blessed, intelligent, creative, gifted and talented as we are, if we don’t excuse excuses from our lives, and recognise the Ultimate Plan of our Creator for us by Striving on our part to live in the realization of same; life becomes halted, and unprogressive.

Therefore, Change your mind, thinking, and begin to invest rightly and wisely as you watch yourself experience a drastic shift today and going forward. 

Never forget that, your seeming disadvantages can be your greatest opportunities and advantages to make a positive difference in your world.

You don’t become the best you’re meant to be, from settling with excuses; you become your very best by embracing The Writer’s Script for your life(God’s Designed Plan and Purpose for You); it supersedes your circumstances. You become, by Turning your disadvantages into distinct opportunities for a Lift in Life.

Change your mind today, Leverage positively on the experiences, the lessons learnt overtime by doing things differently and watch as things take a new dimension in a positive sense.

Look at Moses, a Bible character despite his excuses among which was, been speech impaired, yet couldn’t escape running an errand for God?  because, even with our Creator, excuses don’t fly; Moses still had to fulfil the Divine Assignment of bringing the Israelites (God’s People) out of Egypt (the land of captivity) into the promised land (Cana).

Because, he had no option, than to excuse excuses and disappoint ‘disadvantages’; and by doing that, he was able to pull through and today we read about him and gain lessons from his  life of resilience and dogged commitment.

Take a look at another bible character, Deborah – though a woman, she did not excuse herself from the burden of leadership and led Israel to victory in a times when it was unconventional for women to lead. 

Excuse excuses and disappoint seeming disadvantages

There was a man called François Pinault; Pinault among many others, left school at age 16 to join his family’s timber trading business in Brittany, France. After his father’s death, he sold the family business and started his own wood-trading company. Pinault’s company, PPR, owns luxury brands like Gucci, Alexander McQueen, and Yves Saint Laurent. He did not allow his drop-out situation to deter him but kept pushing on to building a great legacy.

So, what do you do instead of making Excuses? Take responsibility! Take ownership! Indeed, we can design our future  by making constant and consistent efforts in the right direction

Frank Ocean quipped ‘Excuses are the tools of the weak and incompetent. They build bridges to nowhere and tunnels to nothingness… Those who excel in them seldom do in anything else, therefore, there are no excuses.’

The Good book in Romans 12:1 said “Therefore, thou art inexcusable o man” …..

Look, when all is said and done, do not fall into the tyranny of excuses. 



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